Tony's Home 240 Thoughts
The Sri Yantra corresponds to StanTenen's geometry of the 22 Hebrew letters plus 5 Finals.




0 Tao, Simplex Physics 1 bit 2 superposition qbit 4 spacetime 16 fermions Ilm-al-Raml 256 Cl(8) IFA 2-1CA 65,536 Torah Genes 2^32 ~ 4 x 10^9 Genome Base Pairs 2^64 ~ 16 x 10^18 Brain Electrons Planck 2^128 ~ 256 x 10^36 Brain GraviPhotons Uncertainty 2^256 ~ 65,536 x 10^72 Particles in Universe
Cl(0)                  1                    R  Tao, Simplex Physics
Cl(1)                1   1                  C  Tai Ji
Cl(2)              1   2   1                Q  Yin-Yang, I Ching, Fa
Cl(3)            1   3   3   1              O  3 Realms, Tai Hsuan Ching
Cl(4)          1   4   6   4   1            S  5 Elements
Cl(5)        1   5  10  10   5   1          M(4,C)
Cl(6)      1   6  15  20  15   6   1        M(8,R), I Ching 
Cl(7)    1   7  21  35  35  21   7   1      M(8,R)+M(8,R), S7 {x} G2
Cl(8)  1   8  28  56  70  56  28   8   1    M(16,R), 8 Trigrams, Tarot, Fa, 
                                                     D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 Physics
                                            2^8 = 16x16 = 8x8 + 8x8 + 
                                                        + 8x8 + 8x8   Fa
  Fa 256  128   64   32   16   8   4  2 1
     256+1024+1792+1792+1120+448+112+16+1 = 3^8 Tai Hsuan Ching

where: {x} = twisted (fibration) product, (x) = tensor product, Cl = Clifford Algebra, R = Real Numbers, C = Complex Numbers, Q = Quaternions, O = Octonions, S = Sedenions (which are a ZeroDivisor Algebra), M(n,K) = nxn matrix algebra over the field K. Compare 0, the Chinese plane of Original God, to Teiohard de Chardin's God of Evolutionary Convergence, to Ahura Mazda, to the God of Akhenaton, to the God of Moses, and to the unitary/unifying God of Sufi Islam. Egyptian Gods with Ra = Sun. may describe the History of our Solar System. The Binomial Triangle can represent Mount Meru. These structures and symmetries are useful in Information Theory.

Cl(8N) = Cl(8) (x)...(N times)...(x) Cl(8)  Cellular Automata   Wei Qi
                                            Many-Worlds Quantum Theory


EVERYTHING contains each of the Many-Worlds of Quantum Theory. David Deutsch has a web site on parallel universes and ManyWorlds. Many-Worlds may be representable by Surreal Numbers, and may be equivalent to Bohm Quantum Theory and to some Other Quantum Theories.

The D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou physics model is a TOE that naturally produces Many-Worlds Quantum Theory using structures similar to the I Ching and the Tai Hsaun Ching that can be used to try to understand Fate. Many-World HyperDiamond Checkerboards may be equivalent to Cellular Automata and Wei Qi, and they are connected to Quantum Consciousness.

The D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou physics model and the A-D-E series:

Symmetric Space      Dimension          Physical Interpretation
A0=D1                 1 Real           U(1) Electromagnetism
A1=B1=C1              3 Real              SU(2) Weak Force 
A2                    8 Real              SU(3) Color Force 
A3=D3                15 Real                Gravity+Higgs 
D4                   28 Real        Gravity+Higgs+phase/U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3) 
D5 / D4xU(1)          8 Complex               SpaceTime
E6 / D5xU(1)         16 Complex               Fermions
E7 / E6xU(1)         27 Complex          MacroSpace of ManyWorlds
E8 / E7xSU(2)        28 Quaternionic    MacroSpace Geometry+Algebra

(These structures are motivated by Saul-Paul Sirag's ideas about Weyl groups, A-D-E series, and E7.)

According to the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou physics model, at our energy level each World of the Many-Worlds has a 4-dimensional lattice Spacetime with MacDowell-Mansouri Gravity, a Higgs Mechanism, and a Complex Propagator Phase;

a 4-dimensional lattice Internal Symmetry Space with 8 Color Force Gluons, 3 Weak Force Bosons, and a Photon that live on the links of the lattice Spacetime; and

3 generations of 8 Fermion Particles and 8 Fermion AntiParticles that live on the vertices of the lattice Spacetime, with the 3 generations corresponding, in the continuum approximation, to E6, E7, and E8. The D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou physics model describes Musaka/Ganesha Elementary Fermions, which are the Virtual Sea and Valence Fermions of Gaja/Ganesha Compton Radius Vortex Physical Elementary Fermions.

All the structures of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou physics model and the HyperDiamond Feynman Checkerboard model have continuous approximations based on 3x3 Anti-Hermitian Octonion Matrices.

There is a

3x3 Matrix of Hierarchies

of Scale (MicroSpace, SpaceTime, Macrospace) and

Degree of Interconnectedness (Nearest Neighbor, Lie Sphere Correlations, Simplex Total Connection).


Nearest Lie Sphere Simplex Neighbor Correlations Total Connection   MacroSpace Macro/NN Macro/LS Macro/Simplex   SpaceTime SpT/NN SpT/LS SpT/Simplex   MicroSpace Micro/NN Micro/LS Micro/Simplex


The 3 Levels of Scale are:



each point of which is

an Internal Symmetry MICROSPACE,


all of which is only one point in a MACROSPACE.

MacroSpace corresponds to Bohm's Super Implicate Order.

The idea of an overall geometric structure of MacroSpace came from Greg Egan's novel Diaspora (Harper-Collins 1998), which contains a lot of other interesting ideas, including information-based life forms, Truth Mines of mathematical structures, and life forms based on Wang Tilings.

The Nearest Neighbor Geometries,

which constitute the Lowest Level of Interconnectednesss, are:

MicroSpace - 4-dimensional

approximated by continuous RP1 x S3;

SpaceTime - 4-dimensional

approximated by continuous RP1 x S3;


MacroSpace - 27-dimensional

approximated by continuous 27-dimensional 3x3 Hermitian Octonion Matrices and by the 27-complex dimensional E7 / (E6 x U(1)) which is the 133-78-1 = 54-real-dimensional set of complexified Octonion projective planes (CxO)P2 that are in the octonionified Octonion projective plane (OxO)P2.


Beyond the Lowest Level of Interconnectedness, at the Middle Level,

the Geometry of SpaceTime Correlations

is the Lie Sphere Geometry

of the Conformal Group of N-dimensional spacetime, which is bilholomorphic to the Hermitian Symmetric Space

Spin(N+2) / (Spin(N)xSpin(2)) = Spin(N+2) / (Spin(N)xU(1))

Lie Sphere Geometry corresponds to Bohm's Implicate Order.

The D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou physics model is fundamentally based on the Conformal structure of Lie Sphere Geometry. It not only contains a Conformal Physical Spacetime

Spin(6) / (Spin(4)xU(1))

but also is based on the Octonionic Conformal structures

Spin(10) / (Spin(8)xU(1))

E6 / (Spin(10)xU(1))

At each level of Conformal Structure, Physical Wavelets provide a connection between the World of Physics and the World of Information.


The Middle-Level Correlations are the basis

for Subtle Middle-level Phenomena.

For example, according to the Maya Indians:

"time ... [is] a holographic interference pattern ... This pattern of time is then projected ...[onto]... the new moment, creating the apparent illusion of linear sequential time. ... We unfold our reality by the decisions we make. ... There exist alternate versions of reality corresponding to the decision paths not taken and ... we can ... connect with these alternate realities in ways that can benefit us."

As another example, consider the Big Bang * that was the origin of everything (all the stuff) that we see in our Universe, including you and me:

You Stuff Me \ | / \ | / \ | / \ | / \|/ *

Not only are You Correlated with Me due to our common origin in the * Big Bang, both of us are Correlated with everything else, that is, all the Stuff in our Universe.



At the Highest Level of Interconnectedness

Everything is directly connected to everything else

and we have Simplex Physics.

According to Richard Thompson's Vedic Cosmography and Astronomy ( a contemporary exposition of ideas of the Vedas, based on intermediate expository material such as the Brahma-samhita ):

".... the Vedic concept of space begins with a statement of Krishna's unified nature, rather than with the geometric axioms defining three-dimensional space. ... the entire universe, which is within Krishna, is fully present within every atom of the universe. [ compare Indra's Net and the self-referential reflexivity of the octonions ] Such a state of affairs cannot be visualized in three-dimensional terms, and indeed, it is not possible within three-dimensional space. ... the Vedic idea of space is that more things can be close to one another than is possible in three-dimensional space. ... higher dimensional spaces of mathematics also allow more things to be close to one another than is possible in three-dimensional space ...

[At the Highest Level of Simplex Physics], Krishna ... has full access to every location simultaneously. ...

[At the Middle Level of Correlations], ... access between locations is more restricted than it is for Krishna,

but less restricted than it is for ... three-dimensional space ... [of the Lowest Level of Nearest Neighbors]"

Compare El Aleph (1945), by Jorge Luis Borges:

"... the thirtieth of April was her birthday ... On the burning February morning Beatriz Viterbo died ... From that time on, I never let a thirtieth of April go by without a visit to her house ... on Garay Street ... Carlos Argentino Daneri, her first cousin ... remarked that for a man ... with telephones, telegraphs, phonographs, wireless sets, motion-picture screens, slide projectors, glossaries, timetables, handbooks, bulletins ... actual travel was superfluous. Our twentieth century had inverted the story of Mohammed and the mountain; nowadays, the mountain came to the modern Mohammed. ... I ... asked him why he didn't write ... his ideas ... down. ... he answered that he had already done so -- that these ideas ... had found their place in the ... Prologue Canto of the poem on which he had been working for many years now, alone, without publicity, with fanfare, supported only by those twin staffs universally known as work and solitude. ... Daneri said ... that to finish them poem he could not get along without the house because down in the cellar there was an Aleph. ... "It's mine -- mine. I discovered it when I was a child, all by myself. The cellar stairway is so steep that my aunt and uncle forbade my using it, but I'd heard someone say there was a world down there. I found out later they meant an old-fashioned globe of the world, but at the time I thought they were referring to the world itself. One day when no one was home I started down in secret, but I stumbled and fell. When I opened my eyes, I saw the Aleph. ... the ... place ... where all places are -- seen from every angle, each standing clear, without any confusion or blending. I kept the discovery to myself and went back every chance I got ..." ...

... The Aleph's diameter was probably little more than an inch, but all space was there, actual and undiminished. Each thing ( a mirror's face, let us say ) was infinite things, since I distinctly saw it from every angle of the universe. I saw the teeming sea; I saw daybreak and nightfall; I saw the multitudes of America; I saw a silvery cobweb in the center of a black pyramid; ... I saw, close up, unending eyes watching themselves in me as in a mirror; I saw all the mirrors on earth and none of them reflected me; ... I saw in the drawer of a writing table (and the handwriting made me tremble) unbelievable, obscene, detailed letters, which Beatriz had written to Carlos Argentino; ... I saw the circulation of my own dark blood; I saw the coupling of love and the modification of death; I saw the Aleph from every point and angle, and in the Aleph I saw the earth and in the earth the Aleph and in the Aleph the earth; I saw my own face and my own bowels; I saw your face; and I felt dizzy and wept, for my eyes had seen that secret and conjectured object whose name is common to all men but which no man has looked upon -- the unimaginable universe. ...

... As is well known, the Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Its use for the strange sphere in my story may not be accidental. For the Kabbala, the letter stands for the En Soph, the pure and boundless godhead; it is also said that it takes the shape of a man pointing to both heaven and earth, in order to show that the lower world is the map and mirror of the higher; for Cantor's Mengenlehre, it is the symbol of transfinite numbers, of which any part is as great as the whole. ...

... Around 1867, Captain Burton held the post of British Consul in Brazil. ... a manuscript of Burton's ... dealing with the mirror which the Oriental world attributes to Iskander Zu al-Karnayn, or Alexander Bicornis of Macedonia. In its crystal the whole world was reflected . Burton mentions other similar devices -- the sevenfold cup of Kai Kosru; the mirror that Tariq ibn-Ziyad found in a tower (Thousand and One Nights, 272); the mirror that Lucian of Samosata examined on the moon (True History, I, 26); the mirrorlike spear that the first book of Capella's Satyricon attributes; Merlin's universal mirror, which was "round and hollow... and seem'd a world of glas" (The Faerie Queene, III, 2, 19) [ also, Indra's Net and the Octagonal Mirror Room built by Fa Tsang for Empress Wu ] -- and adds this curious statement: "... The Faithful who gather at the mosque of Amr, in Cairo, are acquainted with the fact that the entire universe lies inside one of the stone pillars that ring its central court ... The mosque dates from the seventh century; the pillars come from other temples of pre-Islamic religions ..."

... Does this Aleph exist in the heart of a stone? Did I see it there in the cellar when I saw all things, and have I now forgotten it? Our minds are porous and forgetfulness seeps in; I myself am distorting and losing, under the wearing away of the years, the face of Beatriz.".

How does everything in

MicroSpace, Spacetime, and Macrospace

interact in the ManyWorlds?

At the Lowest Level of Nearest Neighbors, everything interacts like simple Cellular Automata.

At the Middle Level of Correlations and at the Highest Level of Simplex Physics,

the interactions are generalizations of Cellular Automata. The resulting

Basins of Attraction Interact by Zhen-Shan-Ren:

Masters such as LI Hongzhi can perceive many spaces beyond the physical universe perceived by most humans, such as the Bardos. Perhaps Dolphins can perceive and interact with such spaces.

Quantum Communication of INFORMATION among the Many Worlds of quantum particle physics, crudely represented above as paths, such as the red path and the green path, may be possible.

 In addition to the Quantum Many-Worlds branching that occurs within a particular physical universe such as ours, a physical universe can give birth to new physical universes, a process described by Gott and Li: As the universe expands, there may be a quantum fluctuation that repeats the process by creating a new cosmological Expanding Insanton thus giving birth to new universes (indicated by blue and yellow) branching off from the parent (red) universe:

In Katsuhiro Otomo's movie Akira, Akira, Tetsuo, and their friends create a new universe.

What we call Cosmology is the study of the evolution of our physical (blue) universe from the present time back to (almost) the time of its branching off from its predecessor (red) universe.

As our (red) predecessor universe itself is a branch of its predecessor, and so on, what humans regard as our physical universe is only a small reconstructed branch of a branch of a branch ... , not to mention all the other Quantum Many-Worlds branches within each universe.

 hus, despite its pretentious name, Cosmology is really NOT an all-encompassing theory.

Its limitations indicate the limitations of human capabilities.

However, the way our physical (blue) universe has developed, with

seems to have been anticipated by earlier human cultures:

For instance:

The ancient Chinese hermit Ryu played his iron flute in the reverse direction to create the universe, and the non-zero cosmological term in the inflationary phase is mathematically equivalent to a negative pressure in the cosmic vacuum, and negative pressure is what you need to play a flute backwards. (See "The World is Sound: Nada Brahma" by Joachim-Ernst Berendt, Destiny (1987, 1991), p. 170) (Compare the Chinese Immortal flautist Han Xiang.)

The vacuum (Qi) is active, so that there is no such thing as nothingness. The basic structure of Qi might be represented by the state of a Wei Qi board with stones, while the pattern-principles (Li) by which the next Wei Qi move is determined might be represented by the I Ching, as though the I Ching shows how to move in Wei Qi. This may be related to the HyperDiamond Feynman Checkerboard picture of the D4-D5-E6-E7 physics model, and to a connection between Randomness and Consciousness.

Particles that we observe, such as Electrons, Neutrinos, Protons, and Pions, have Compton Radius Vortex structures related to a hydrodynamic interpretation of Bohm Quantm Theory.

The action of the vacuum (Qi) is in accord with the science of pattern-principles (Li), as in the physics of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou physics model, in which events are described by Cramer's transaction theory. The probability of any event of interaction is a transaction between an amplitude from the past, looking like one helix, corresponding to Yang, and an amplitude from the future, a mirror-image helix, corresponding to Yin.


Life, whether it is

Material, Massless, or Abstract Information,

uses Technology based on Math and Physics.

Here is One Way to Visualize Levels of Life Forms in terms of D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou Physics:


The FIRST OF THREE TYPES OF LIFE consists of MATERIAL LIFE, such as Human.

It may be able to interact with OTHER LIFE FORMS.

More about Human life can be found on my other web pages, such as Halayudha, Hexagons, Hypercubes, Hermes and Plato, Pyramid Structures, Luxor, Tarot, Bardos, Sefirot and Torah, Past History, and Future History.

Human Intelligent Life is mostly Land-based with Air-Oxygen used for most of its Energy, but Earth's Oceans contain Sea-based Dolphin (and perhaps other) Intelligent Life.

On a larger scale, the whole Planet Earth might be regarded as Intelligent, with Sub-Intelligences related to Auroras, Air-Based Storms, the Ocean itself; and Land-based Volcanoes and Earthquakes.

On still larger scales, our Sun and our Solar System, and our Galaxy, and our Universe itself might be regarded as Material-Based Life Forms (as might such systems not our own).

Each of these Scales of Life has its own Time Cycle, all of which are related to each other.


Some Antarctic meteorites, possibly from Mars, contain evidence of fossil microorganisms.

Comets contain organic molecules, and may, as theorized by Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, contain organisms or molecular precursors of life, so that it life could be seeded throughout the universe by comets entering the atmospheres of fertile planets.

Secker, Wesson, and Lepock have shown that:

1. some bacteria and viruses produced within a stellar system while the star was like our sun might become embedded in carbonaceous dust grains in space in the stellar system;

2. when the star reached the end of its life, and expanded to a red giant,its radiation pressure could send the dust grain oorganismsinto interstellar space, and on to other systems; and

3. the carbon of the dust grains could protect the organisms from UV radiation so that they could survive the trip.

Since the Sun is only about 5 billion years old in a 15 billion year old universe, the Secker-Wesson-Lepock process could have taken place in older stellar systems, thus seeding our Solar system, so that



This material type of life, Massive Spacelike Beings, is only the FIRST OF THREE TYPES described in the BARDOs. It travels in material vehicles, such as dust grains or Star Trek type spaceships.

Massive Spacelike Human Beings have Human Brains with Quantum Consciousness and within which Tubulin Electrons may be able to tune into Information from the Big Bang. Since pairs of Tubulin Electrons are (in my model) connected by lightcone Graviphotons, you could regard Human Thought as a Massless Lightcone Graviphoton phenomenon, but since the Human Brain confines the Tubulin Electrons to its small volume, it seems to me that from the Human point of view (as opposed to a larger-scale point of view), the Electrons are more prominent than the Graviphotons.


The SECOND OF THREE TYPES OF LIFE consists of Massless Lightcone Beings of the luminous dharmata.

Since massless light-cone particles, such as photons, live on the boundaries of light-cones, they do not experience linear time like massive material particles.

They see which part of their world-line is at what time by the value of its quantum U(1) phase, so that a world line look like a helix.

Andrew Gray's History Selection formulation of Many-Worlds Quantum Theory is based on the point of view of a Massless Lightcone life form that perceives the whole of its space-time world line. It may allow violation of causality at the macroscopic level, an effect that might be used to build a time machine that can see into the future, or perhaps modify the future.

In Many-Worlds Quantum Theory, the vacuum (Qi) is active, so that there is no such thing as nothingness.

The action of the vacuum (Qi) is in accord with the science of pattern-principles (Li), as in the physics of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou physics model, in which events are described by Cramer's transaction theory.

The probability of any event of interaction is a transaction between an amplitude from the past, looking like one helix, corresonding to Yang, and an amplitude from the future, a mirror-image helix, corresponding to Yin.

The resulting Yin-Yang interactions produce the physics of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou physics model and look like Double Helix structures, the same structure we material beings use to transmit genetic information.

Genetic codes are related to the I Ching.

If Lightcone Beings travel or communicate by laser-beam, we could interact with them by using receiving/transmitting antennae to "converse" with the laser-beam information.

Unlike Star Trek transporters and holodecks, an EXACT copy of a quantum state (such as a human with a mind) CANNOT be replicated on a holodeck or at the end of a transporter.

If such laser-based life forms exist, do they use short-wave (gamma-ray) lasers and gravitational focussing by stars? If so, that would produce a galaxy-wide network

of gamma-ray beams, with the transmissions that use our Sun as a gravitational lens producing the Mayan vision of "the galaxy as a living organism and light as the connective tissue", a vision like a galactic-scale version of the noosphere of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

Perhaps some of the Gamma Ray Bursts observed by Earth-orbiting satellites might be due to such CETI transmissions.

If some of the Gamma Ray Bursts are at cosmological distances,they may be CETI messages from Life in our Universe near the time of its Big Bang. Such Life could be of any of the Three Types of Life, or a combination of them.

Massive Spacelike Human Beings have Human Brains with Quantum Consciousness and within which Tubulin Electrons may be able to tune into Information from the Big Bang. Further, Human Consciousness seems to have a parallel in a Consciousness of our Universe based on Tuned-Electrons, pairs of which are connected by lightcone Graviphotons, you could regard Human Thought as having some aspects of a Massless Lightcone Graviphoton phenomenon. Since our Universe, unlike the Human Brain, does not confine the Tuned-Electrons to a small volume, it seems to me that from point of view of our Universe, the Graviphotons are more prominent than the Electrons, and the Consciousness of our Universe based on Tuned-Electrons can be regarded as a Massless Lightcone Consciousness.

The THIRD OF THREE TYPES OF LIFE consists of ManyWorlds Abstract Beings of the clear light.

This type of life can travel in the MACROSPACE of the ManyWorlds, somewhat as does the Infinite Improbability Drive of the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy. ManyWorlds Abstract Beings interact with our Earthly world by affecting structures whose macroscopic behavior can be influenced by microscopic (quantum-uncertainty-level) changes. The time-scale of such effectively chaotic processes varies from millions of years for orbits of planets and comets, to hours for storms, to, for the brain's state of mind, frequencies such as 1 to 30 Hz for Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta States, which are similar to the frequency range of Schumann resonances, indicating that the human brain has evolved to be "in tune" with the resonant frequencies of planet Earth.

Since ManyWorlds Abstract beings can interact with different Worlds of the ManyWorlds, they can interact with and alter the the Many Fates that we perceive to be our Possible Futures.

Such state of mind interactions could explain Parapsychological Phenomena such as found by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research, the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory (STARGATE), and such as described by Jack Sarfatti, Brian Josephson, and Jessica Utts.

Since the ManyWorlds Abstract Beings are based on INFORMATION, and interesting codes are based on the 24-dimensional Leech lattice, which in turn is related to the 24-dimensional Chevalley subalgebra of the 27-dimensional Jordan algebra J3(O).

The Leech lattice is currently being studied by Geoffrey Dixon, and is related to the extended Golay code G24 of Classical Information Theory.

Calderbank, Rains, Shor, and Sloane have shown that whereas many useful Classical error-correcting codes are binary over the field GF(2), many error-correcting codes of Quantum Information Theory are quaternary over the field GF(4).

As Dixon has noted, GF(4) is related to quaternions as GF(2) is to complex numbers and GF(8) is to octonions.

The Leech lattice structure may underlie both the Classical and the Quantum useful error-correcting codes.

The Leech lattice is also related to the Monster finite simple group, a group of order

2^46 3^20 5^9 7^6 11^2 13^3 17 19 23 29 31 41 47 59 71,

or about 8 x 10^53. The Monster is naturally represented on a space of 196,884 dimensions, which can be broken down into 196,560 + 300 + 24. Since 300 = 25x24/2 is the symmetric square of 24, and since the Leech lattice discrete nearest-neighbor sphere has 196,560 points, and since IF the 196,560 points form a group, just as the 240 of an E8 lattice form unit octonions and as the 24 of a D4 lattice form unit quaternions then it should be possible to form the 196,560 dimensional space of the group algebra of the Leech lattice nearest-neighbor group, and then add the 300-dim space of symmetric squared Leech lattice, and then add the 24-dim space of the Leech lattice itself, to get the 196,884-dim representation space of the Monster. By going down to the underlying 24-dim Leech lattice space, it should be possible to represent the Monster on the 24-dim space of the Leech lattice.

Since I don't have a 24-dim or 196,560-dim or 196,884-dim picture, here is a Penrose tiling that is a low-dimensional slice thereof, and related structures of D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 root vectors:

As Greg Egan described in his novel Diaspora, life based on Wang Tilings can form Universal Computers, and the Genetic Code of abstract Information-based life can be based on sequences of binary 6-bit segments, like the 2^6 = 64 hexagrams of the I CHING.

are all just different representations of the same fundamental structure:

This fundamental structure is not only shared by Golay codes and Leech lattice but also by Penrose tilings and musical sequences.

At each level of Conformal Structure of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou physics model, Physical Wavelets provide a connection between the World of Physics and the World of Information.


An Information sequence that is historically interesting and possibly fundamental is the Torah Sequence, whose study involved both the Kabbala and Archetypes of the human mind.

The INTERNET is the most effective way ever devised for IDEAS to be communicated among humans.

You might even regard IDEAS as life forms living on a human-internet substrate.

To implement IDEAS on a material level, humans must advance their Technologies, such as

| Muons | Black Holes | Cold Fusion | AntiMatter |

| Gravity | Vacuum | Sonoluminescence | Water Structure |

| Atomic Clusters | Cells and Chips | Qi Field | DNA and Genetic Code |

| Quantum Computing and Superluminal Information | Communication |

| NanoMachines and the Second Law |



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