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Symmetry, Tarot, E6, and Sedenions:

The Temple of Luxor was built on the Nile River East bank 
of the Nile River at least as early as about 3,400 years ago.  
It has been actively used and remodelled as late as the time 
of Alexander the Great, but its basic original design was 
based on the fundamental ideas of the Ogdoad.  
In the 6th century AD, Byantine Christians built a church 
on the NorthEast part of the Temple. 
In the 13th century AD, the Mosque of Abu El-Haggag was 
built on top of the Byzantine Church.  The Mosque is still 
in active use, and its design (Minaret behind Dome) is 
strikingly similar to the design of Sacre Coeur in Paris. 
The two flat structures in on the North side look 
somewhat like the combs on top of some Mayan pyramids. 
There is now only one obelisk at the North entrance, 
since the other obelisk that used to be on the West side 
was taken to Paris in 1836. 
An overhead view shows the design of the Temple of Luxor, 
based on the fundamental ideas of the Ogdoad. 
Such architectural design, like that of the Pyramids at Giza, 
may be one way of preserving and transmitting 
old high-level culture to later civilizations.  
Other ways of passing on such culture are games and 
fortunetelling such as the Tarot of the Egyptians 
and Wei-Qi and I Ching of the Chinese.  
For instance, both Wei-Qi boards and 
Egyptian art and architecture design plans use 19-line grids.  
To see how the architecture of the Temple of Luxor 
could preserve and transmit high culture, 
look closely at the plan of the Temple. 
In the lower copy of the Luxor Temple Plan, 
some of the structures are color-coded to 
show the following mathematical correspondences:  
The central red gallery of 7 pairs of large columns 
corresponds to the 14-dimensional Lie group G2.  
The left (North) blue gallery of 64 columns 
corresponds to the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, 
which in turn corresponds to 8x8 matrices 
and an octonionic 8-dimensional space 
in which the unit sphere is S7.  
The right (South) blue gallery of 64 columns 
corresponds to the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, 
which in turn corresponds to 8x8 matrices 
and a second octonionic 8-dimensional space 
in which a second unit sphere is S7.  
Now you can construct the Lie group Spin(0,8) 
as the twisted fibration product  S7 x S7 x G2.  
Such structures are naturally found in the sedenions. 
Now notice the two bright red Chambers, one each 
on the North and South parts of the Temple.  
Each red Chamber is about the area of 4 columns.  
If you add an Altar for each Chamber, then 
each Chamber should count as 5 columns.  
Look at the North side, at the North end between 
the forks of the 64-column gallery. 
Colored purple are 5 pairs of columns, 
which, if added to the 5 columns of the North Chamber, 
give 15 columns, corresponding to the conformal 
15-dimensional Lie algebras Spin(6) = SU(4) that 
produce Gravity and the Higgs Scalar in 
the D4-D5-E6 physics model. 
Now look at the South side, at the South end between 
the forks of the 64-column gallery. 
Colored green are 24 columns, 
which, if added to 4 of the 5 columns of the South Chamber, 
give 28 columns, corresponding to the 28-dimensional 
D4 Lie algebra Spin(8) of the D4-D5-E6 physics model. 
Colored purple are 8+9 = 17 columns, 
which, if added to the 28 columns of D4 = Spin(8), 
give 45 columns, corresponding to the 45-dimensional 
D5 Lie algebra Spin(10) of the D4-D5-E6 physics model. 
Colored gold are 32 columns, which, if added to 
the 5th column of the South Chamber and 
the 45 columns of D5 = Spin(10), 
give 78 columns, corresponding to the 78-dimensional 
E6 Lie algebra of the D4-D5-E6 physics model. 
The 78-dimensional E6 Lie algebra, 
and therefore the South part of the Luxor Temple, 
also represents, and is represented by, the Tarot.  

In the annual Festival of Opet,

the Luxor Temple is the destination 
of the Ship, or Barque, of Amun.  
Since the Kbre Nege'st refers to the Ark of the Covenant 
as the belly of a ship, it is possible that the 
South Chamber of the Luxor Temple was designed 
to house the Ark of the Covenant.  
As noted by Graham Hancock, in his book The Sign and the Seal, 
it is possible that the Ark of the Covenant 
is now in Abyssinia.  
The origin of the Barque of Amun in the Festival of Opet 
is the Temple of Karnak, to the North of the Luxor Temple. 
The Hypostle Hall of the Temple of Karnak has 
134 columns, 122 papyrus shaped and 12 larger 
arranged appproximately in this pattern: 
       xxxxxxx O O xxxxxxx
       xxxxxxx O O xxxxxxx
       xxxxxxx O O xxxxxxx
       xxxxxxx     xxxxxxx
       xxxxxxx O O xxxxxxx
       xxxxxxx O O xxxxxxx
       xxxxxxx O O xxxxxxx
       xxxxxx       xxxxxx
       xxxxxx       xxxxxx 
The two black sets of 3 larger columns each correspond 
to two copies of the 3-dimensional Spin(3) Lie Algebra, 
which is isomorphic to SU(2), Sp(1), and the 3-sphere S3. 
Taken together, they represent Spin(4) = S3 x S3, 
the Lie Algebra of the Lorentz Group.  
The two blue larger columns respectively correspond 
to the 1-dimensional scalar and pseudoscaler 
parts of the Cl(0,8) Clifford Algebra.  
The two red sets of 28 columns respectively correspond 
to the 28-dimensional bivector and 6-vector 
parts of the Cl(0,8) Clifford Algebra, 
the 28 bivectors representing the Spin(0,8) Lie Algebra 
that is the basis of the D4-D5-E6 physics model. 
The 70 green columns correspond to  
the 70-dimensional 4-vector 
part of the Cl(0,8) Clifford Algebra. 
Collectively, the 1+1 + 28+28 + 70 = 128 blue, red, and green 
columns correspond to the 128-dimensional even subalgebra 
of the Cl(0,8) Clifford Algebra. 

As to the age of construction of the Temples of Luxor and Karnak,

the absence of Sphinx-type weathering on their 
present-day structures indicates that the 
present-day structures are more recent than the Sphinx, 
that the conventional dates may be correct 
for their present-day structures. 
However, the temples may have been rebuilt from time 
to time in order to revise their astronomical orientation 
to take into account the precession of the equinoxes.  
As Lockyer noted (see Secrets of the Great Pyramid, 
by Peter Tompkins, Galahad 1971, 1978, 1997), 
the Temple at Dendera may have originally been built 
to be oriented with respect to gamma Draconis, 
which ceased to be circumpolar about 7,000 years ago, 
then reconstructed to be oriented with respect to Dubhe, 
which ceased to be circumpolar about 6,000 years ago, 
then reconstructed three more times, 
about 5,230 years ago, 
about 3,600 years ago, 
about 2,100 years ago.  
Such repeated reconstruction could result in 
new structures, actually built on conventional dates, 
but with a "floor plan" inherited from prior structures. 
In this way, the design of the temples may be based upon 
ideas and knowledge inherited from 
a global Early Human Civilization.  

The Luxor Temple may also represent a Human Being.

John Anthony West, in his book Serpent in the Sky, 
describes the views of R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, 
set out in his book The Temple of Man, 
that the Luxor Temple is a representation, 
not only of the abstract structures described above, 
but also of a human being: 
The South green-red-purple-gold area 
being Head, Neck, and Chest; 
The South blue area 
being the Arms surrounding the Stomach; 
The Central red area 
being the Pelvis, Thighs, and Knees; 
The North blue-red-purple area 
being the legs and feet.  
In such a view, 
perhaps the structure of the Luxor Temple 
might encode such things as Acupuncture Points 
and Chakras, with the South Chamber corresponding 
to the Third Eye. 
If so, 
the Pyramids of Giza might represent the Heavens, 
the Temple of Luxor might represent Man, 
both might encode abstract ideas from old high culture.  

REFERENCES (including sources of scanned images): Egypt, Splendors of an Ancient Civilization, by Alberto Siliotti, Thames and Hudson 1994. Serpent in the Sky, by John Anthony West, Quest 1993. The Sign and the Seal, by Graham Hancock, Simon & Schuster 1992. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, by Peter Tompkins, Galahad 1971, 1978, 1997.  


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